Words From the Editor

By Ken Kalisch


Kalisch, K. (2003). Words from the editor. Chameleons! Online E-Zine, March 2003. (http://www.chameleonnews.com/03MarKalischWFTE.html)

Welcome to CHAMELEONS E-Zine!

One of the things that Don, Bill and I discussed when we first started the idea of this online magazine was to bring articles to the reader that helped them to think outside of the box. So much of the time we get stuck in the routine of just doing what we do and lose the creative exploration of what we are doing. I hope that this issue will be a source of motivation and movement for many of us in many ways. So be prepared to take a look at some things in a different and sometimes challenging way!

The issue of how to cage and contain chameleons is oftentimes surrounded with controversy. The use of screening, glass or nothing at all has all been challenged in one way or another. Allison Banks brings us another opportunity to enjoy her warm, wonderful style of writing in describing the benefits of using a free-range setup. She shares her experiences of caring for her Chamaeleo (Trioceros) melleri and how she developed a successful indoor free-range set up for them. This is really good food for thought!

After many years of breeding and rearing chameleons Bill Strand is sharing his firsthand knowledge of working with chameleon eggs from laying to hatching. This is article will surely be used as an ongoing reference for anyone that has questions about any of the stages in this process.

Chamaeleo calyptratus is the most widely kept chameleon in the world and yet there seems to be so many misconceptions about them and their care. The how, why and what are explored in: My chameleon just exploded when I put him on my plaid shirt or ...The truth about what you really need to know about your Veiled Chameleon! This article should open some eyes and maybe even a few mouths. READ IT!

Dr. Sue Donoghue, VMD, DiplACVN once again brings to her nutrition column a wonderful insight to the basic and often forgotten concept of "ingredients and reading the label." The article helps the reader gather a further understanding and insight to the ingredients in the supplemental products we are using.

Call it pure luck but we are also blessed with a second article from Allison Banks as she shares her insight and experience with "Hints and Tips." There is something here for everyone!

The book review in this issue is Chamaeleo calyptratus- The Yemen Chameleon by Wolfgang Schmidt. This book is an excellent companion piece to our article on the Veiled Chameleon. Brimming with information as well as a lot of great photographs you will have to get it if you have any interest in Veiled chameleons.

I cannot say enough thanks to those who contributed their time and knowledge to this issue. It is the sum total of our shared collective knowledge that helps us to succeed in the care of these reptiles. So please, if you have something about chameleons you would like to share it writing, feel free to contact us. Really!

Enjoy the issue!!!



Ken Kalisch

Ken Kalisch has worked with over 40 species of chameleons in the last decade. He was co-editor of the Chameleon information Network, as well as being published by Advanced Vivarium Systems dealing with his experience breeding Calumma parsonii parsonii in captivity. He was the editor of this CHAMELEONS! EZine from March 2002-March 2004.


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