Words From the Editor

By Ken Kalisch


Kalisch, K. (2003). Words from the editor. Chameleons! Online E-Zine, July 2003. (http://www.chameleonnews.com/03JulKalischWFTE.html)


Welcome to another information filled issue of Chameleons! E-zine

This issue has our usual variety of articles to tempt just about everyone into having a new thought or idea about how we can improve our chameleon husbandry awareness.

One of the areas we all feel a need for more information is on the incubation of eggs. Francois Le Berre has written an interesting and thought provoking article on just this subject called "Incubation Strategies." I think that it will give many of the readers a refreshing and more relatable way to consider incubation techniques for chameleons and even other reptile eggs.

How many of us have thought " This is so great, I am going make money breeding my chameleons " or, for the newbies..."Wow, I want a chameleon!" "The Costs of Keeping Chameleons" by Dave Johnston brings into reality what one should expect to spend to care for a chameleon and to set up a basic breeding/rearing setup. A real and very good reality check!

Chameleons are just plain odd reptiles and they seem to have their own unique way of doing just about everything. The article "The oddities of the chameleon - the Tongue" explains how that tongue does what it does.

This issue has a special "Q&A Focus: Co-habitation" by Bill Strand. Anyone who has considered the idea of co-habitation with their chameleons would really gain some useful insight to the possibility, process and concerns that come about when chameleons share space together.

With the welcome return of Dr. Susan Donoghue's column we have the first in a series of articles that will deal with the nutritional needs of the female chameleon. This issue starts with: "Nutrition: Feeding for breeding - The gravid female." This is important stuff to anyone that is breeding chameleons! You must read this and the follow up articles coming !!! This is really GREAT information!!!!

Don Wells has been dealing with a loss in his family but has, none the less, found the time to give us his question and answer column. Thanks Don! Our thoughts and well wishes go to Don and his family.

In our continuing efforts to bring new and diverse information to the readers here is a really fun and exciting article "Another Color: The Eastern Hercules Beetle" by Orin McMonigle. What a fascinating look at a truly bizarre insect!

Lastly, some FYI business related items. There will be some changes in the E-zine starting with the next issue. The outside demands of life and the time intensive demands of putting out a publication is in need of balancing for me. One of the ways to accomplish this is to go to a quarterly publication, instead of every two months. The other part of the change that I requested, will be that I am going to move into an assistant editor position and Bill has agreed to be the E-zine editor. Bill is (and has been) the major force behind our E-zine. Thank YOU Bill!!! You are the man!

Whew! So that is this issue ... but remember, if you have any thoughts comments or ideas you would like to share, please feel free to drop an email to us!


Ken Kalisch


Ken Kalisch

Ken Kalisch has worked with over 40 species of chameleons in the last decade. He was co-editor of the Chameleon information Network, as well as being published by Advanced Vivarium Systems dealing with his experience breeding Calumma parsonii parsonii in captivity. He was the editor of this CHAMELEONS! EZine from March 2002-March 2004.


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