Words From the Editor

By Ken Kalisch


Kalisch, K. (2002). Words from the editor. Chameleons! Online E-Zine, November 2002. (http://www.chameleonnews.com/02NovKalischWFTE.html)

Welcome to issue number five of the Chameleon E-Zine!

This issue promises to be a wonderful issue to anyone that has worked with or wanted to work with Chamaeleo (triceros) melleri. There is much speculated about this species and not a lot written about them, so we hope that this issue will be helpful to the interested keepers of C. melleri and that you leave these pages with a better understanding of them.

Our opening Chamaeleo melleri article is the basics of C.melleri in captivity from their husbandry, reproduction and through to egglaying and rearing of the babies. It is a good “Melleri Basic Primer” for their care in captivity.

The second article on C.melleri addresses the origins of the misconceptions and myths that have surrounded this species of chameleon. Over the years much has been said and speculated on about C.melleri in captivity, hopefully this article will put some of these “concerns” to rest.

The final article in our Melleri trilogy is written by Rob Trenor, Jr. in it he talks on the subject of dealing with newly imported animals and the ways he has found to successfully adapt them from importation to captivity. This is an area that many experienced keepers have been challenged to do and more often than not, had poor success.

Accompanying the C.melleri articles are a sumptuous group of pictures that have been supplied with generosity, kindness and support by several excellent photographers. Thank you to Rob Trenor, Trevor Dell and Ed and Liddy Kammer for all their beautiful pictures!

Lynda Horgan has written a very insightful article on the methods of rearing neonate chameleons in the cold and sometimes hostile environment of Canada. Her efforts will help many others that live in areas that have inclement weather conditions to adjust their husbandry practices to successfully accommodate the care of their reptiles in similar circumstances.

Bill Strand, our assistant editor, brings us an excellent article discussing the pros and cons of cage size and how it relates to thermoregulation and creating temperature and other gradients. This article helps to answer that age-old question of how big does the cage need to be?

Dr. Sue Donoghue, DMV, DACVN has written an excellent article on Water – the most important nutrient of all and the related hydration issues of chameleons. This article is something that everyone needs to read at least twice!

It really brings into a clear perspective the needs of their proper water content and hydration.

Last, but never least, Don Wells brings another rousing round of questions in his insightful and oftentimes amusing Just Ask! Column. Please keep those questions coming!

I would like to thank all the authors and contributors for their knowledge, time and support! THANK YOU!

And a very special thanks to Bill Strand for whom without all his time, effort and knowledge this E-Zine would not exist! Thank you Bill!!




Ken Kalisch

Ken Kalisch has worked with over 40 species of chameleons in the last decade. He was co-editor of the Chameleon information Network, as well as being published by Advanced Vivarium Systems dealing with his experience breeding Calumma parsonii parsonii in captivity. He was the editor of this CHAMELEONS! EZine from March 2002-March 2004.


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