Words From the Editor
By Ken Kalisch
Kalisch, K. (2002). Words from the editor. Chameleons! Online E-Zine, March 2002. (http://www.chameleonnews.com/02MarKalischWFTE.html)
There is so much about these reptiles that is still shrouded in myth and mystery, it is our objective to use this site to present information to enhance the captive care and reproduction of these unique creatures. We hope to provide new and useful information that will dispel some of the shadows that often surrounds them.
Our format is designed to encourage your input and to create an open dialog with our readers. Every other month we will put up a new newsletter and the issues will be set up in an archive so that they will be available for ongoing reference. We are looking forward to presenting a wide variety of articles from a vast array of sources. We feel that it is important to include everyone's perspective, from the hobbiest to the experts in the field.
You can expect diversity and plan on being challenged to thinking outside the box. MOST OF ALL, PLAN ON HAVING A GOOD TIME.
We hope you will find this site a new and exciting addition to the growing resources available to the hobbiest in their search for knowledge of the family Chamaeleonidae. ENJOY!
I would like to thank and acknowledge all who contributed their time and knowledge to this site. Firstly, without Bill Strand this site would not exisit. He has been the man of the hour, pulling together all the elements! Don Wells has the unique touch of a genius: his ideas, humor and knowledge are all over this site! A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL THE AUTHORS: SUE DONOGHUE, SUSAN JAMES, ED AND LIDDY KAMMER, AND JIM NOZAKI... THANK YOU! YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS OF TIME AND KNOWLEDGE KEEP US ALL INFORMED AND CURRENT.
Ken Kalisch
Ken Kalisch has worked with over 40 species of chameleons in the last decade. He was co-editor of the Chameleon information Network, as well as being published by Advanced Vivarium Systems dealing with his experience breeding Calumma parsonii parsonii in captivity. He was the editor of this CHAMELEONS! EZine from March 2002-March 2004.
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